My paintings become friends; a relationship builds as you work on a piece, and you gradually come to know the different facets of its personality and all the intricacies and details about it. Usually, I find that a name for each of my paintings arrives as I'm working on it. I work around themes of hope, joy, belonging, and nature, so they tend to relate to these themes in some way.
There are some paintings that are elusive and seem to dance away from me each time I try to name them. I have to wrangle them down and really interrogate in my mind what they represent and what they are trying to say.
I'm always intrigued by how others name their work. It's both revealing and inspiring. Exploring the journey of translating the soul of my art onto the canvas, and I find that the naming process can offer profound insights into the themes and emotions that shape each creation.
So next time you look at a painting, notice the name; it should give you insight into the artist and perhaps reveal a message for you.